They fall like dominoes: Yet another one bites the dust following flush of discrimination in Ferguson. Judge Resigns After Being Blasted in Department of Justice Ferguson Report.
Ronald Brockmeyer is the Judge Resigns After Being Blasted in Department of Justice Ferguson Report who’s vacated his position at the Ferguson municipal court. Ever since the DOJ issued their scathing report–revealing blatant discrimination, abuse of power, ethics and all around foul play by police and the entire law enforcement system–more ‘authorities’ have been fired, shamed, or taking a swift heave-ho on their own.
“The report also showed that racial prejudice was apparently pervasive in the court system, with black people 68 percent less likely to have their cases dismissed and far more likely to be hit with petty offenses. Brockmeyer was specifically accused in the report of “significantly increasing court collections over the years,” sentencing people to jail for failure to pay a fine and asking for at least one offense against a relative to be dropped.”
The Judge Resigns After Being Blasted in Department of Justice Ferguson Report and the Supreme Court of Missouri is taking just as swift* actions to replace him.
“Courts are a vital part of our democracy, and our court system is built on the trust of the citizens it serves. Today’s strong and appropriate actions by the Missouri Supreme Court are a solid step forward,” said Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon in a statement Monday night.
Though the Judge Resigns After Being Blasted in Department of Justice Ferguson Report, Complex and NBC News report he will continue serving as part-time prosecutor and will act as some form of a municipal judge in Breckenridge Hills. Do you think he should be stripped of his opportunity to judge or do you think the embarrassment of being caught out there and in a report that will last forever is enough?
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