Two Babies Found on Side Road

Officially the worst headline of the year: 9 Month Old Baby Killed By Saw Because She Wouldn’t Stop Crying (SMH, WTF, SMH)…

A 52 year old woman believed to be the child’s grandmother is in police custody behind the 9 Month Old Baby Killed By Saw Because She Wouldn’t Stop Crying, according to ABC News 7 Chicago, Complex, and the Chicago Tribune. Sources note the woman followed up her gruesome act of taking a circular and rotational saw to the baby’s neck with a (failed) suicide attempt.

“The woman initially tried to shove something in the baby’s mouth — possibly cloth — to get the girl to quiet down, a source said. The woman then tried to kill herself and was found by another relative, according to authorities. The woman was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, where she was stable and in police custody.”

The 23 year old Little Village, Chicago father of Rosie, the 9 Month Old Baby Killed By Saw Because She Wouldn’t Stop Crying was driven home upon getting the worst phone call of his life. The driver, his friend Ben Llamas had this to say to the press:

“We just drove in silence. He was in shock,” Llamas said. “He shows us pictures of that baby every day.” Llamas said that his friend and the mother of the man’s child lived in the apartment together with her parents.

There’s really no justification possible for the woman and the 9 Month Old Baby Killed By Saw Because She Wouldn’t Stop Crying. Though we’ll await the consequences and court proceedings including whether the grandmother will plead insanity–the fact remains nothing will bring this baby girl back. As details still developing, much prayer, energy and healing going out to the family.

We’ve had our share of ‘bad parenting’ and babysitter-gone-bad stories but this one definitely reaches a whole new low.


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