
Chris Browns Baby Mama Was Treated Like Royalty At Her Baby Shower
Chris Browns baby mama was most definitely treated like Royalty at her Baby Shower. Given Many gifts with many family and friends attending . Hop into the post to check it out !!! #IFWT

It has been said that about 40 friends and family members showed up at Chris Browns Baby Mamas baby shower, and showered the former Texas model with her baby gifts last Match at her Houston apartment banquet, hailing Royalty’s to finally come into the world.

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Chris Browns Baby Mama Was Treated Like Royalty At Her Baby Shower

The guest list included a guy named Brazil , whom she believed was Royalty’s biological father but it turns out that Royalty is Chris Browns baby. Apparently he was extremely quit throughout the entire event .

After feasting on a Crown topped cake , all the ladies from Nai Guzman-Amey’s event tested their mommy skills in a diaper changing contest. The winter was tossed with wine from baby bottles. Nia abstained something she clearly didn’t do with Chris Brown.

Chris Browns Baby Mama Was Treated Like Royalty At Her Baby Shower

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Chris Browns Baby Mama Was Treated Like Royalty At Her Baby Shower