…And the saga continues. After Amber Rose and Khloe Kardashian engaged in a very heated Twitter war which started off from Khloe mentioning Amb being a stripper at the age of 15. Muva Rosebud shot back about Kim Kardashian feeding her family off of her sex tape and it just got ugly from there on out. Amb insinuated that OJ Simpson was Khloe’s biological father and the Kardashian clan shot back with memes making fun of Amber’s promiscuous ways.
However, things turned very high school-ish after ex’s of both sides got involved in the most petty way possible. Amber Rose’s baby daddy/ex-husband Wiz Khalifa randomly started following Khloe Kardashian, which was an obvious low blow at his BM. Shortly after, Kim Kardashian’s ex-BF Reggie Bush began following Amber (all on Twitter). YEAAAPPPPP, sh*t just got real…… real childish. I wonder how this mess with all pan out. KANYE, WHERE YOU AT SON?!