
Bobby Shmurda is dealing with an abundance of real-life issues. Since the arrest of he and his GS9 crew members in December, it’s all gone down hill from there. There was a slight glimmer of hope for the “Bobby B***h” (MY ish) rapper when the Brooklyn Distrct Attorney’s office said that Shmurda, real name Ackquille Pollard, would not have to face the gun charge stemming from a June 2014 incident. The gun charge, which was suppose to be from Bobby shooting into a crowd outside of a barbershop, but instead, was from officers finding a gun on Bobby during an executed warrant search for another incident that happened around the same time.

Hit the jump for more details.

JaaiR (JR)
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Even with the charges against Bobby mounted to the sky, he could have been out on bail a while back. His uncles, Debo and Calvin Wilson offered to pay for his release, but the Brooklyn rapper refused. Sometime ago, he admitted that the same uncles claiming that hip hop isn’t showing their nephew support, are the same uncles who stole $20,000 from him.

Where will Bobby go from here? Shmurda is scheduled to appear in court today, Jan 29. If convicted, he could face up to 25 years in the pen. Fingers crossed for Bobby fans.

Check out the gallery for more.
