While he was in the studio with DJ Mustard in NYC last week, GQ stopped by to chop it up with iLoveMakonnen, and the “Tuesday” singer certainly shared some interesting insight on his life. The Atlanta-by-way-of-LA singer appears to be living in NYC now, but our lack of wild drugs bore him, which is the basic gist of the interview. (Which concerns me, considering the recent tragedy with A$AP Yams.)
He did, however, make some really good points on fame. Check out a few excerts below.
Marisa Mendez
Being bored in NYC:
No, I love New York. I just meant bored like: People don’t like to do as many drugs as I do. And not drugs, I’m saying medical experimentations, you know? I feel like a loner. Maybe I’ve been hanging out with the wrong crowd. I don’t wanna hang out with a drug crowd. I like crowds that have shit going on and then do drugs. Do you want to know how many drugs I have on me? I bet GQ won’t publish that. I like to wake up with none of my clothes or phones by me and just not know what happened and try to spend the next day figuring it out. Other than that, it’s boring. I hate to go home and feel unsatisfied. Feel like, “What the fuck was I out here for? You guys didn’t do shit.”
Life now:
People think that when you get famous you hang out with Drake every night at Il Mulino, and you hang out with all these fashion people, and people give you free clothes, and you party, and your drugs are free, and everything’s just free, free, free. And you’re rich! You’re rich! You can drop twelve hundred on a bitch tonight. And I’m like, where do they do that at? I don’t know. Everybody thinks I’m Drake Junior. right now and that I got a big-ass compound with a big-ass loft in Tribeca, and Jay Z’s my neighbor, ’cause I’m “Tuesday.” But I’m just a regular person. I’m a nobody. I’m just another kid that was laying in his room the other night, jackin’ off, you know? Regular nobody shit. And now, all of a sudden, it’s like “OMG! You’re somebody!” And I’m like, who am I? “Tuesday”? No. I’m just that kid that jacks off in his room.
Read the full interview here.