Justin Bieber might be many great things, but skating is not one of them. During the holidays Justin spent his days attempting to ride his skateboard down a flight of stairs in New York City. His attempts horribly failed. Some fan caught him on video. He is wearing his signature look, black tight skinnies, black hoodie, black hat and long tee! Justin Bieber goes on to blame his pants for the reason why he can’t land the skate trick. In the video Justin Bieber says “My pants keep coming down.”
Justin Kept trying even though he didn’t succeed and for that we give him credit. Eventually he skates off, leaving all his girly fans drooling. They also turned his failed attempts and especially the one where he face planted the floor into an incredible MEME. You can even hear one of his fans cry out, “I almost died”, when she thought Justin might have hurt himself. The champ took a couple of falls but always got back on his feet. LOL CHECK out the video and the meme in the gallery..
Laura Rodriguez
Follow me on IG: @P_E_A_C_H_Y_
Source: E news!