Target Will Not Apologize For “Whitewashed” ‘Annie’ Ad. Yes the large retailer is not backing down.A few days ago a petition was issued by L’Sean Rinique Shelton, a motivational speaker through “A Target was Accused Of Whitewashing the ‘Annie’ Ad. In all fairness this is the first African American ‘Annie’ traditionally “Annie’ is played by a Caucasian Actress. The issue arose when Target’s Ad used a Caucasian model with the caption ‘Annie’ in Theaters December 19th. The white model had the same red dress that Annie wore. The 5000 people who signed the petition were outraged. Why wouldn’t they have the star Quvenzhané Wallis who has been nominated for an Academy Award in the ad? The petition requested that Target apologize for the “disrespectful” ad. Target has finally responded and they are not apologizing. More details below
“Target says: Girls from a variety of backgrounds were featured within the campaign, reflecting that anyone can embody the spirit and character of Annie.” People are disgusted with the Retailers dismissal here’s what one customer said “I had $400.00 worth of items from Target. I read this story and returned everything. We are people of different colors. We make the world. If the world was suppose to be the same we would all be the same color. I will never shop at Target again.” What do you think is Target in the wrong? Do you think they will loses business because of this? Let me know in the comments.
They are wrong! It seems that they are making excuses and can be seen in a negative light for this. I mean, what’s the problem? Why is there a problem with advertising the MOVIE with the right person who is CURRENTLY playing Annie. It looks like Target has an issue with the fact that this child is black…smh
Seriously? Obviously a corporation isn’t being racist. People love the drama
That’s the stupidest thing anyone could post. Why would it be impossible for a corporation be racist? They are now tryin to cover there tracks and it stupid. All they gave to do is say they are sorry for the mix up and they can’t even do that
Target is dead wrong!!!! They are giving a weak explanation.. FACT: Annie has previously been played by a Caucasian female child. FACT: Currently Annie is being played by a BLACK FEMALE CHILD . The current advertisement should reflect the ethnicity of the female playing Annie now.. Carry On !!!!Continue to spread the word, continue to collect signatures & encourage boycott shopping at Target and maybe then we will get an apology & have the correct Annie posted.
Fuck target
So… it was one of a series of ads? If the white girl was one of several girls featured of different backgrounds, then that’s the context within which it was intended to be seen. If she was the only one, then yes, that’s the wrong message.
If that’s the case then they should use all of the girls who has played as Annie on the ad including the current annie. That would just make more sense. Regardless black or white. Not just one Annie especially someone who has never played Annie. From what I’m reading it was just a random model not one of the past Annie actresses. With the caption Annie lol
What if the girl had been Asian or Latin or any other number of races. Would this still be an issue?
I can’t speak for everyone, but I know I would be like “that makes no sense”. Regardless race even if the actress was Asian but they use an Indian model, who is just that, a model someone who has NEVER played Annie would just be wrong. It causes confusion and people making petitions like this. But I feel if she had of been a different race they might have fixed the ad. My opinion is they wouldn’t because to many ppl always making it a black or white thing. Because of that I think that’s why they decided not to change it even if they meant no harm its still stupid. Almost like fake advertisement.