
China Arrests 15 People in Adult Breastfeeding Ring this week, the latest in seemingly ridiculous news from around the world. Statements have been made and breast milk experts add such comments as ‘one does not simply drink through a straw…’ yea, seriously!

China Arrests 15 People in Adult Breastfeeding Ring as a prostitution ring in Beijing was broken up by police earlier this week. Breastfeeding was involved in the service as many believe the milk holds the power of “healing properties.” (You still following?…)

Lin Jun, owner of a similar service provider Xinxinyu, details that clients are given the option to receive the milk straight from the breasts or from a breast pump if they feel embarrassed.

As China Arrests 15 People in Adult Breastfeeding Ring breast milk ‘experts’ have come forward to comment. Wendy Haldeman, co-founder of Santa Monica, California’s breast feeding resource center “Pump Station,” had this to say:

“In general, adults are not very adept in drawing milk from a breast. One does not simply suck, as on a straw—rather it is a sophisticated motion known as suckling. Babies are really good at this. Adults, not so much.”

Hmm…welp!. And there you have it.

Emilia A. Ottoo: IG || Twit || Pin
