Ah the power of social media, I keep telling you guys, it’s not “just Twitter”; what you say or shall I say write, can and will be used against you. There was a picture floating around Twitter of Fox Deportes reporter Erika Reidt commenting on a picture of Kobe Bryant and the Lakers wearing the “I Can’t Breathe” shirts in support of Eric Garner. Reidt wrote “I’m going to start wearing a shirt that says “I can breathe because I obey the law”, essentially victim blaming the deceased man. As the picture began to circulate, Twitter went in on Erika and reported her to Fox Deportes who immediately suspended her.
As Erika’s mentions lit up, she then took to her Twitter account to use the same old, “I was hacked” excuse then went on to say she would never write something like that because she’s from the hood (bad move!). Her statement:
I want to clarify in regards to the comment about Eric Garner, my account was hacked & apparently that comment was posted without my consent. I am trying to investigate who posted this horrific comment. I was on a run when this comment was posted and realized that it was posted. When I began receiving all these crazy messages. That is not the only post made. There are posts to sites I don’t know. I don’t believe anyone deserves to die. I am praying for Eric Garner’s family and also that police become more compassionate about our communities needs. I was raised in the hood and know the struggles our minority communities go through. I pray we become the system and abolish all racism.
Well Twitter didn’t believe her excuse especially since she previously wrote “thank u” to someone who said she had the right to an opinion. Twitter went ablaze with her “I’m from the hood” comments and began to ask her a series of questions to prove she was indeed from the hood and well… she answered them!
Fox Deportes later posted a tweet in English and Spanish stating that Erika was suspended indefinitely. She has since removed Fox Deportes from her bio.
*photos in gallery above*