Michael Jordan’s brother-in-law Carlos Prieto is one lucky guy this week. Besides marrying into the Jordan family, Prieto also owns a sneaker shop in Miami called Solefly, which tends to get some very exclusive Jordan’s that most stores have no chance in getting, and now we know why. On top of all those good things already in place for Prieto, MJ himself came through for the entire Groom’s wedding party with some exclusive wedding day Concord 11’s low’s.
The pairs are separated from the retail version with some special etching around the heel to coincide with the special occasion. Concord’s, especially the lows seem to be a trendy thing to wear with suits for special occasion’s and still look dressed up without having to be in some uncomfortable dress shoes. I wonder how long it took for Jordan to have these shoes made, gotta assume when he talks people at Nike jump.
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