After the NYPD police officers who were caught on tape strangling Eric Garner to death on the streets of NYC were not indicted yesterday in a court hearing on December 3rd, the protests began to fire up yet again. New York City streets were filled with peaceful protesters searching for answers and justice for the numerous innocent Black lives that were taken in recent events that hit the media heavy. Rapper J. Cole had quite the day because not only did his album 2014 Forest Hills Drive leak on the internet which caused a complete frenzy, but he also joined the protesters in NYC to voice his opinion and fight for what he believes in.

The “Born Sinner” emcee was photographed out on the streets with NO security guards, which is extremely honorable and very impressive. However, this is not the first time J. Cole gets in touch with his activist side. The North Carolina native also visited the place where Michael Brown got shot and killed in Ferguson, Missouri just a few months ago. Rappers can talk about trying to enforce change in their lyrics but it is people like Cole that are actually out in the world DOING the things he talks about. It is a refreshing change of pace.

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