These war of words and social media slugs are getting super tired. At this point I’m with Manny Pacquiao, just get in the ring already! Since beating Chris Algieri, Pacquiao once again set his sights on Floyd Mayweather, calling out the undefeated boxer and demanding that Floyd fight him. Mayweather has not agreed to anything but simply posted a video on his Instagram account of Pacquiao repeatedly getting knocked down, i.e. nothing new just his same old response. Manny Pacquiao fires back at Mayweather with an Instagram post of his own.
Pacquiao posted a picture of him punching Chris Algieri and in the caption took a dig at Mayweather. Manny told Floyd to stop throwing punches on Instagram and “lets get in the ring”. He also changed Mayweather’s TBE (The Best Ever) moniker into TBE ( The Best Excuses).
Now I’m not saying Floyd is scared of Manny but it does appear like the excuses are piling up. At one point the issue was the money split, Floyd felt like Manny wanted too much; Pacquiao later agreed to take less and still no fight. Another issue was Floyd wanted Manny drug tested right before the fight and since then no matter what concessions have been made, the fight still hasn’t happened.
Once again the hype has picked up with the possibility of the fight actually happening this time but I’ve heard that numerous times before so we’ll have to wait and see.
*photo in gallery above*