Y’all can say what you want about Anon, but they stand TFU for the real injustices in the world! You might remember a while back they shut down those Church nuts that were threatening to protest the sandy hook funeral’s, well this time Anonymous Hacks KKK Twitter with #OpKKK!!!
Anonymous Hacks KKK Twitter yesterday, but it looks like it started Sunday night, the official twitter for the kkk started threatening the protesters in Ferguson about possible protest over the verdict, and Anon jumped in threatening the kkk. It looks like the kk didn’t believe the power of Anon, and well, jokes on them because it happened. Actually, Anonymous Hacks KKK Twitter(s), there are 2 klu klux klan twitter accounts that have been hacked. Anon spoke with Huff post about it, saying “We want the KKK gone, forever,” adding“Don’t worry, we know what we’re doing.”
Anon went on about the ease of how kkk is because of the ‘moral high ground’, and they are 100% correct, but although mos def repugnant, under the freedom of speech amendment, they have the right to be retarded!! That was just to play devil’s advocate, but I truly believe what Anon is doing is the right direction for society as a whole, I mean most states have laws about ‘hate crime’, and the kkk is a know hate organization. Check out the twitter interaction at the time of the take over while we wait on on Anon to go ahead and take down whatever other websites the korn klutz klan has on the net!