IFWT_HIV Virus 1 (2)
A young woman has caught HIV from apparently sharing manicure equipment with her cousin who is HIV positive. Doctors claim this is a rare occurrence.


A 22 year old woman has believed to contract HIV after sharing manicure equipment with her cousin who is HIV positive. Doctors are calling this unusual but are saying they may now have ground on new ways of transmission. Dr. Brian Foley of HIV Sequence Database at Los Alamos National Laboratory stated “this case should not make people scared to come in contact with the those affected by the virus, chance of infection are still very low”. Still with such a freak incident occurring how could people not be a little on edge. Basic information tells us that the HIV Virus can only be contracted through blood and bodily fluids.Blood, Semen, vaginal fluids and rectal fluids. Doctors also state mucous membranes can harbor the infection. This should be used as a precaution for all, that standard HIV prevention should be practiced.