The beloved book series made its way to the box office and now will see a Play made. The play is said to kick off in London in 2016 shortly after a “purpose built” theatre is complete.
The Hunger Games has been one the most successful book series since Harry Potter. Its no surprise that this exciting series will now be on the grand stage. Tony Award winning producer Robin de Levita is said to be one of the acclaimed workers on this project. One could imagine Author Suzanne Collins could be anything more than estatic, the books have sold more than 80 million copies worldwide and the first two movies have brought in a staggering 1.5 billion in the worldwide box office. A new theater is said to be in the works as well which will give the audience an experience of a lifetime complemented with “state of the art technology”. Ofcoure its being constructed a stones throw from Wembley Stadium. Some pretty good real estate.