IFWT_ Darrien Hunt

Autopsy of 22 year old black male Darrien Hunt reveals that he was shot four times in the back by Utah Police Officers. On Sept 10, 2014 Darrien Hunt was killed outside of the Saratoga Springs Strip Mall.



Police claim that 22 year old Hunt stormed towards them with a sword. A sord of which Hunts family members say is a toy with a dull edge. Witnesses of the shooting say that Hunt was wearing ear buds and performing samurai like actions. The Utah County Attorney Office says that the trajectory of the gunshot wound shows that he was fleeing when he was shot. Hmm sounds a little familiar doesn’t it. Now that is not to be the typical black power writer… but I must ask, when will our as in the lives of black youth or blacks be seen as valuable. It saddens and disgusts me to hear and report about incidents like this. By the end of next week th county is expected to reach a decision on whether or not Hunt’s death was justified. Hopefully this will not be just a lost of another black life that gets ignored and some type of justice will be served. Hey I’m an optimist.