_12 Year Old Babysitter Was A Victim Of Molestation By 7th Heaven Star Stephen Collins

7th Heaven star Stephen Collins is under fire for Molestation. One of Stephen Collins’ victims was he and his former wife’s 12-year-old babysitter. Read more on the story after the jump!


An email sent in 2012 by his wife Faye Grant, stated that another one of Stephen Collins’ victims was his 12-year old babysitter. The email to the 12-year old also states that Collins molested her and two people. Grant says, “I knew Stephen was a narcissist, of course..I did not know he was a pedophile.” When Stephen was confronted by his former wife, he lied to her about it.

Grant says that Collins sought treatment for his addiction and he was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. She goes on to say that Collins is “not remorseful” and “shows no guilt.” She wishes she could have done something sooner to help Collins. Collins’ lawyer claims that Grant is using these allegations as an attempt to win more money in a divorce.

