
Nicki Minaj’s titties are being put on blast by South Africa’s ANC Youth League (ANCYL) after a show she was suppose to perform gets cancelled.

Hit the jump for more.

JaaiR (JR)
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Nicki was scheduled to perform for the TribeOne Dinokeng Festival in South Africa, but thanks to the City of Tshwane’s insufficient infrastructure, the show had to be cancelled. Not her fault, right? Wrong!

The South Africa’s ANC Youth League is requesting that Ms. Minaj return the $900,000 deposit that the group put down. An ANCYL spokesperson spoke to EWN and said that Nick was to give that money, which was non-refundable, to a charitable organization in South Africa.

“She knows she hasn’t worked for the money,” said ANCYL’s Lesego Makhubela. “We don’t want taxpayers’ money to be used on Nicki Minaj’s boob jobs.”

Well…LOL! I mean, technically it sounds like she doesn’t HAVE to give the money, so I don’t think talking about her titties was the right thing to do.
