It looks like V. Stiviano isn’t done dropping bombshells just yet. The woman at the source of the leaked Donald Sterling racist tapes, took to her Instagram account to shake things up once again.
She posted a photo of what appears to be her three-year old daughter Madison. The young girl is wearing a Clippers hat and under the photo Stiviano posted a weird and cryptic caption alluding to who could possibly be the father.
“Madison is going to be four soon. I think we should celebrated it, at a big event. Perhaps opening night of the #laclippers game or we can decide and wait till NEW YEARS to bring in 2015 with incredible news,” she says.
She also wrote “Let the games began” in all caps. If those words look familiar, it’s because she used the exact same phrase before she went after Sterling the first time with the racist comments.
She also wrote she was happy the sale of the Clippers went through because it’ll help her child support checks. This would of course contradict her statements that she was just Sterling’s right-hand and nothing sexual happened between them; no one believed that anyways.
I guess we’ll have to wait for her next “hint”.