The following is heartbreaking to even write about: A man killed a precious 2-year old girl, in front of her father to torture him. He then shot the father, and a family friend. This man will never see the light of day, I’ll bet you that much. Check it out…

Jayyiah Coles

A man accused of killing a 2-year-old Detroit-area girl shot her in front of her father to torture him, state police said Thursday.

The comments from Lt. Michael Shaw came after Raymone Jackson, 24, of Inkster, appeared in court on a first-degree murder charge and was sent back to jail with no bond.

“The child was the intended target,” Shaw told reporters outside court. “He was going to kill the child in front of this guy and then kill him afterward so that it would be the last thing he sees.”

The girl was shot in the head Tuesday while on the porch of an Inkster home. Inkster
police believe it was retaliation for a shooting in April.

Besides murder, Jackson is also charged with attempted murder, torture and other crimes. Kamiya’s father, Ken French, 34, and a family friend, 12-year-old Chelsea Lancaster, were also shot and are in a hospital. It wasn’t immediately known if Jackson has an attorney.

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