In the upcoming NBC Special covering the makings and more, of Miley Cyrus’ ‘Bangerz’ Tour, the pop star has exposed all sides of herself from her silly sides, to distress, for the love of the Smilers!
Adriela Batista
Diane Martel the co-director of the ‘Bangerz’ tour has revealed a preview of what viewers can expect once the ‘Bangerz’ special airs. Martel who met Cyrus while directing the visuals for ‘We Can’t Stop’; says that any doubters believing that Cyrus is not a serious musician, will have a different perspective of the pop star after seeing this.
Martel feels the “truly electric” spirit of the live show is captured in the special. “In this TV special, I think you have a sense if the energy in the arenas,” she says. “Miley’s performance is intense and wild. She’s got a thrilling command of her stage and the room; this is something I was excited by in the edit. To see her eyes close up, to see her lithe body and huge voice making this collection of people respond in tandem, that’s the important thing to translate from stage to the small screen. “