VladTV recently posted an unreleased video of a Voletta Wallace (Notorious B.I.G.’s) in an interview with SOHH reflecting on the rift between herself and the Queen Bee Lil’ Kim. It is no secret that the mother of Biggie is not fond of Lil Kim, and she did not hold back her disgust in this interview. Check out what she said and the full interview after the jump.

“After my son’s death, believe it or not, Lil’ Kim and I were close,” Voletta Wallace said. “But I guess she doesn’t—I’m a woman who speaks my mind. Sometimes you say things, the truth hurts, and you take it the wrong way. I did not like the way she was [parading around] national television and radio about Biggie, the love of her life. Her heart, her nose, her mouth, her butt, every part of her. Christopher is not here to defend himself. I was offended. I was offended and I let her know. She didn’t like it and I don’t give a hoot. As far as Lil’ Cease is concerned, they’re all struggling. Christopher is not here. He was a figure in their life that they looked up to and he was not here and everybody just go their separate ways. The ways that they went wasn’t the straight way. As a result they all went down the toilet. But I wish them all well. I might tell them to go to hell and mind their own damn business but deep down I wish them well.”
Watch the full interview below: