#YeBack . Kanye performed at the a Bonnaroo festival for the first time since 2008, and you it’s not kanye without a rant. With every chance he got he made sure he speak on his last performance at the event. Check out what Kanye said after the jump.
Eventhough he came late and left early from the stage, Kanye still put on a performance for the Tennessee crowd. Performing a slew of hits from Yeezus and he gave the crowd a rant. First he started off about his last performance at the festival that went horribly wrong.
Last time before I got here they had ‘fuck Kanye’ on the port-a-potties. This time we’re going to piss on them,” he declared, before launching into a yelled refrain of “Where the press at? Fuck the press!”, at which point he was actually greeted with boos from the audience (a far cry from the unanimous cheers he garnered during every rant on his arena tour). Another point worth noting, was his omission of Jay Z’s name in all songs that mention him, including “Cold”, “Blood On The Leaves”, and “Touch The Sky”.
Kanye also continued on saying how he does not need songs on the radio or mainstream because he not on the same level as mainstream artist saying he is only trying to compete with “Shakespeare, Walt Disney, Howard Hughes” .
If you thought it stop there, think again. He continued to compare himself to artist such as Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, and Jim Morrison. Kanye finished his set by leaving 20 minutes early than his set finsh time.