IFWT_Bosh champ.

In an interview that was published before game 3 of the NBA Finals on ESPN, Chris Bosh addressed fans questioning his sexuality.  There’s always been a lot of jokes about Bosh (you remember ALL the jokes that came from the pic above right?!) and ironically new pictures popped up last night before the big game.  He’s spotted in another one of those questionable poses — this time with Shane Battier.  For the record, I don’t think Bosh is gay … I think he just makes himself an easy target.
Check out his quotes from the interview & the new pics — I’m pretty sure Bosh is just trolling us all at this point…





Per Vlad via ESPN:

…Bosh addressed constantly being called “soft,” as well as the prevalent rumor that he’s gay.

“For a while, they were questioning my sexuality. They still do. They were questioning my sexuality, questioning my game. And I’m like, ‘Why are they all messing with me?’ I didn’t do anything to anybody. I didn’t do nothing. I just came here to play basketball. And they’re like, ‘Oh, he’s not a real superstar.’ I never cared about being a superstar.”

He expressed feeling that any small mistake he makes becomes magnified. For instance, if he misses a rebound, names like “Christina Bosh” or “Bosh Spice” flood his timeline.

“What am I supposed to do?” Bosh says. “You want me to have cornrows and tats on my neck and just punch somebody in the face when they score on me? It’s crazy. It’s impossible. I can’t do that and play. That’s never been who I am.”