
One of this centuries most influential speaker/poet/author/educators passed away. Maya Angelou’s words have touched many of her listeners/readers. Due to her unique voice and strong stanzas, many are able to recite her words of wisdom verbatim. Today, the celebrity realm speaks out about the phenomenal woman.

Check it out down bottom.

JaaiR (JR)

Reverend Al Sharpton releases a statement on the character of the lady who impacted many lives:

“Maya Angelou was the quintessential renaissance woman of the 20th century art and human rights movements.”

“Not only was she a literary icon, she was one of the few that turned her words into action. Although she participated in civil rights rallies, she challenged leaders of the civil rights movement to embrace the struggles of others and a broader view of freedom fighting.”

Other than the Rev. artists that spoke were…


“Momentarily took the air out of me hearing you passed over. Then I smiled for you. REST IN GLORY MAYA ANGELOU. Luv!”


“Angel. #RIPMayaAngelou The first book I read as a teenager, “I know why the caged bird sings”. Felt like we knew her. She made us feel so safe, safe enough to trust her wisdom! Wisdom one can usually only acquire through experience! Thank You #MayaAngelou :’)”


“Rest in peace phenomenal woman.”

Lupe Fiasco

“You already know! RIP Maya Angelou…I hope you and James Baldwin are kicking it somethin special :)”

RIP Ms. Angelou.

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