
You know I love to see stars committing random acts of kindness! It proves that they are humans just like the rest of us, and don’t mind giving a helping hand to others. When you hear about stars like Ryan Gosling preventing a lady from getting hit by a car, or when you hear about T.I. rescuing a woman from a car wreck, doesn’t it make you feel all warm and tingly? Well over the weekend, Hollywood A-Lister Ashton Kutcher tried lending a helping a helping hand to couple of stranded kids in LA, but had a little trouble. See video inside!

While it looks like Ashton Kutcher doesn’t mind rolling up his sleeves and getting a little dirty, it appears that he has very little experience with being under the hood of a car….let alone his own! Over the weekend, he helped some kids that were stranded along side of the road with a dead battery, and attempted to give the stragglers a boost. Too bad Kutch wasted time trying to locate his own battery under the hood, when clearly it was in the trunk of his foreign! Nice try, he gets an A++ for effort!

Watch video of the star struggling to help jump start the stragglers’ vehicle!

You have to give the guy credit for even stopping, right?

Andrea G