Kanye West
Remember when the sad keanu reeves meme was all over the internet and it even got people a little concerned with the “Matrix” actor well-being. Well now, we have one of Kanye West looking really sad. But about what?!
Find out after the jump!

Nqobi C

A photo was taken of Kim and a fan while apparently Zip-lining in Mexico some time back!

Kim poses with a fan while we see Kanye sitting in the back, looking just miserable, exhausted and completely out of it.

Guess maybe somebody isn’t a fan of Zip-lining, huh?

Watch out now, this is going to be the new meme of Sad Keanu! They are already popping up! Even a tumblr has been create in honor of sad Kanye!

Check out the gallery to see one of the memes and the funny but sad photo of Kanye!
