
It should be obvious that Jay Electronica is absolutely NOT afraid to connect with his fans on social media. But, now he’s opted to connect with Kanye West’s die-hard fans; the community of KanyeToThe. Yezzy stans gathered around and asked Elec many questions about, well… Yeezy. Check out his responses after the jump.

Jamaal Fisher

Wasting no time, the fans asked Jay Electronica his opinion on “Yeezus.” He replied with, “i loved it, but the media crucified him and slandered him because of the content and his outspokenness on many things. Then the sheeple started saying it was wack like a mantra after a few so-called tastemakers said it. the end.”

They also got around to asking Jay about his album delay, where he said, “its been me. life etc. Jay and the Label never press me about it or hinder me. Full support and love. Ive just been away on my own accord. again, we are in THE TURN.”

Hopefully “THE TURN” is going to keep supplying that ol’ boom bap.