Game VS Tiffany

So sad. This sounds like a messy ordeal that’s only going to get worse and worse. Sadly the kids are going to be the one’s most affected by the fall out. Now that a restraining order has been granted to Tiffney Cambridge for her protection against rapper The Game, more details of what allegedly happened the night Tiffney’s nose was broken inside their home are being revealed.According to Tiffney, The Game told their children who witnessed the whole incident….

That if “mommy tells they will both go to jail, and be locked away from them”! According to TMZ, Cambridge says in her docs the fight turned so violent, a table broke, injuring both kids. She says their 3-year-old daughter yelled for help because her leg was bleeding … and Game got even more ferocious when Cambridge went to help her.

According to the docs, he told Cambridge, “Move the f*** out the way” and called her a bitch while tearing her clothing and repeatedly hitting her torso with his closed fist. She claims he also yelled, “I will end it all.”

Tiffney claims Game refused to let her leave … telling the children that if Mommy called police, both Mommy and Daddy would go to jail. He eventually let Tiffney and the kids go, and the next day Tiffney was treated for a broken nose at the hospital.

Sounds like a real nightmare. Hopefully whichever party is in the wrong will own up to their mistakes. The truth always comes to light, and its only a matter of time….

Andrea G