I think it is pretty safe to say Steve Smith is not happy about being cut from the only team he has ever known, the Carolina Panthers. He is ready for a war if whatever team he winds up with winds up playing Carolina next season. The Panthers have been his only team in his career, but at age 35 the team once again reminded us that this is a business. Now Smith is going to make it his business to go after them if he gets the chance. Hit the jump.


“Whatever team I go to, I want them to know they’re going to get the best, in-shape 35-year old guy that they can get. And if that happens to run through Bank of America Stadium, put your goggles on because there is going to be blood and guts everywhere”

His anger is not directed at any former teammates or fans. It seems to be directed at one person in the organization who made the decision to release him, which is the somewhat new general manager.

A contract is a piece of paper, and I will ALWAYS be a Carolina Panther. I’m not going to allow maybe an individual that I’ve interacted with for maybe six months or a year to change the relationship that I have with multiple people in that organization for over 13 years. That will never happen, and I won’t do it. Never do it.

Should be very interesting if he gets to play against them.