
Legalizing marijuana has been a huge topic in recent years, and this only makes things a little bit clearer as to what direction it’s going.
The first medical marijuana ad to air was in New Jersey. The ad, to be shown on Comcast networks like AMC, CNBC, Comedy Central, Bravo and the Food Network, over the next two weeks, was first shown in the Garden State because of it’s minimal talk on the topic.
“We wanted to make the marketplace aware of the appointment-booking service,” said Jason Draizin, CEO of MarijuanaDoctors.com, the ad creators.
The ad is pretty funny. Instead of a neighoborhood dealer dealing marijuana, he’s dealing sushi – you know, since everyone is getting their supply from MarijuanaDoctors.com – lol. Check it out after the jump.

JaaiR (JR)