After traveling to India for the Bollywood-themed “Bounce” video, followed by paying homage to “Showgirls” in “Change Your Life”, Iggy Azalea recreating the classic film “Clueless” in her new video for “Fancy.”
Earlier this month, the Australian raptress shot the Clueless-inspired clip in L.A., and recently chatted with Yesi Ortiz at Power 106 about the video. Iggy was really hoping for a cameo from Alicia Silverstone herself, but wasn’t about to pull it off in time. Regardless, Iggy was happy with the way things turned out. “We did the highway scene and we shot down the highway. We got a crazy grandma and trucks, and it was a lot. It was very fun,” said Iggy.
Her debut album The New Classic will be released on April 15th, while the “Fancy” visual is expected to premiere some time this week. Check out the full interview below.
Marisa Mendez