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C’mon really?!  SMH.  This is beyond ridiculous.  There’s no excuse for even one DUI/DWI, let alone TWO in 6 weeks.  Someone needs to help this guy ASAP. Minnesota Vikings linebacker Erin Henderson was arrested yesterday on suspicion of drunken driving.  Details after the jump…




Erin Henderson was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving Wednesday afternoon for the second time in six weeks, possibly sealing his fate with the team.

Henderson was arrested in Chanhassen, Minn., and booked into the Carver County Jail at 3:03 p.m., according to the county jail roster. Henderson refused to submit to a sobriety test, according to the roster, and faces four DWI charges including a second-degree charge for refusing a test.

He was also arrested on Nov. 19 and charged with drunken driving and possession of a controlled substance. He then left the team for several days for what Henderson and former Vikings coach Leslie Frazier said at the time was an unrelated personal matter.

(Story Continues…)