I’m really gonna need the hod to do better, you’re doing Too much here! I understand as long as there are fiends there be ‘that boy'(a street name foe heroin), but to label it after a program ‘our’ President is trying to do to make our country better is just ignorance!!
Earlier today a western Massachusetts highway patrolman observed a car making several traffic violations, so he decided to pull the vehicle over. Once this ‘traffic stop’ occurred the officer found 1,250 individual bags of heroin labeled ‘Obamacare’. The 4 passengers inside(2 from newark, and 2 from Vermont, all aged from 21 to 23) were charged with trafficking in heroin, conspiracy to violate the drug laws, and possession to distribute a Class A substance. The driver was also hit with speeding, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle and failure to change lanes for an emergency vehicle.