IFWT_iPhone-6C in Red
SET Solutions has rendered some really beautiful concepts of the ‘iPhone Air’ and a 6C, which make out current iPhones(that pretty much just came out) look like…well like last year’s already 🙁

Tat Wza

I would even begin to presume what spec’s these slime machines may have, other than the weight and TouchID, so just watch it for yourself and tell you me what YOU think!

iPhone Air:

iPhone 6C:

I can tell you SET solutions made the concept close to the base of what the design of the current iPhones, the 6C still colorful, and the Air sleek and polished, but still, Apple is not known for using ANY concept designs that are not from Apple, unless the buy the company…that’s what we have to keep our eye out for, the purchase of SET solutions by Apple!!