
A Grosse Pointe Park Michigan Officer is being investigated after admitting to taking at least one offensive video of an African American male, commanding him to sing and dance, hit the jump for more!

Adriela Batista

Michael Scipio the subject of many police harassing videos apeared alongside 30 Marcus Garvey Movement/New Black Panther Nation protestors at the Public Safety headquarters in Grosse Pointe Park, Mich., and stated that “he was unaware that police had filmed him”. The investigation began after disrespectful videos and pictures began circulating the internet on The Motor City Muckraking Blog, inlvoving police chastising residents, for what seems a laugh. Muckraker Blog founder Steve Neavling, says he has much more video evidence incriminating officers, but has chosen not to post them due to their degrading nature.

“An officer has stepped forward to take responsibility for the video and for interacting with Mr. Scipio in that fashion. The officer has been removed from patrol duty pending the conclusion of our investigation,” Grosse Pointe Park spokesman Greg Bowens told the Detroit Free Press” HP