How dare you! Yesterday, news broke that yet again, George Zimmerman was arrested. These days, he’s doing more than speeding on the highways in Florida, but pulling guns out on his pregnant girlfriend instead. Yes, I said pregnant! [What will the world do with a George Zimmerman Jr.?]
The guy who was acquitted back in June for the murder of teen, Trayvon Martin allegedly pulled a gun out on girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe and then broke a table. He than proceeded to kick her out of her own home, barricaded himself inside and then made the decision to call 911 operators to express his side of the tale. “For lack of a better term, she’s gone crazy,” Zimmerman says about Scheibe, while he listens to police bang on the door in the background. Seemingly calm…we know better. Hit the jump and have a listen.
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Girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe’s 911 call:
George Zimmerman’s 911 call: