Mike Woodson is clearly getting fed up with JR Smith and his antics. Late last week he had a closed door meeting with JR and his brother Chris where he was very blunt with the brothers. JR has not been in good standing in New York since the playoffs last year when he was out partying and then got suspended for a game and pretty much played terrible the rest of the playoffs. He obviously has all-star level talent and coach Woodson just wants the focus to be on that. Hit the jump for the message he gave JR.


Woodson told reporters how he felt about JR & Chris exchanging tweets with Brandon Jennings:

“I was not happy about that and that’s why we had a behind-the-door meeting with he and Chris on Thursday because it’s ridiculous,” Woodson said during his weekly radio interview on ESPN New York Friday. “There’s got to come a time where you stop putting yourself in that position. It’s going to come a time when you keep doing it, eventually no team is going to want to deal with you. You got to learn from it. Those are the things where I’m trying to get this young man to.”

Woodson has been around the NBA for decades. He knows eventually teams will get tired of a players antics and just not want to be bothered, regardless the talent level of a player. As a diehard Knicks fan myself I am just looking forward to JR having another solid year.