new jfk documentary

November 22nd will mark the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. A new documentary, “JFK: The Smoking Gun”, follows Australian Detective Colin McLaren’s journey to uncover the circumstances around the former President’s death. To read more, click below.

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McLaren agrees that a gun shot from Lee Harvey Oswald did hit the president, but does not believe that was the shot that killed him. The Australian detective argues that Kennedy died from friendly fire, a bullet that was accidentally discharged from a Secret Service car directly behind the presidential limousine. McLaren believes that the sound of the shots from Oswald’s gun, made a Secret Service agent so nervous that he made the grave mistake of letting off a single bullet that killed JFK. All of his theories are based on forensics and ballistic evidence.

McLaren’s arguments sound more believable than the “lone gunman” theory. Maybe the public will find out what really happened after this documentary airs? Check out the “JFK: The Smoking Gun” documentary this Sunday at 8 p.m. on Reelz Network.