The set up at Drake's first "Would You Like A Tour" stop in Pittsburgh

On Saturday night, the second stop of Drake’s “Would You Like A Tour?” tour rolled into Philly, but was abruptly cancelled hours AFTER fans had already filled the arena. Many theories were thrown around as to why, with a vague statement of “unexpected technical issues” from Drizzy’s team, but finally today, the official reason has been cited.

As you can see in the photo above from the first night in Pittsburgh, Drake uses an electrical catwalk during the show that hangs over a majority of the crowd. There was an issue with setting it up, and Drake and his team ultimately feared for the safety of the people underneath, so they were forced to cancel. All tickets will be honored at the rescheduled date of December 18th. Check out the “messed up” catwalk in the gallery.

Marisa Mendez

Source: TMZ