
With Kanye West’s “Gone” playing as her theme music, 25 year old Marina Shifrin recorded a video of herself as a gift to her boss, that included a relieving message, P.S “I Quit”, hit the jump for more!

Adriela Batista

Marina Shifrin recorded the video announcing her departure from the Taiwanese animation media company after her boss and higher officials in the work place refused to hear the employee out on their extreme demands. Shirif stated to HuffPost:

“…Taiwanese work environment is very different from the American work environment. She got no lunch break and her boss was constantly changing her schedule and responsibilities. After her managers failed to help her, she decided to make the video”

“I understood that it was a risk, but I never named the company or my boss and I mean, have you seen my dancing? How can anyone take that seriously,” she said.

In the video the hard worker gives us a day in her life, being the only one in the office during late hours, the toll that the heavy work load has taken on her relationships and overall herself. You may be wondering what’s her next move? Well, simply to get back to the states and begin her job search for companies that value “creativity and their employees”.

**Check out the hilarious video below**