As a fire broke out amongst a car crash on the 60 Freeway in the Mira Loma area of Los Angeles, A UPS driver decided to take it upon himself to save the day!, Hit the jump for the full story!

Adriela Batista

UPS Driver Lawrence Sanchez saw the crash amongst the pick up truck and a small Lexus during his drive unfold in front of his very eyes. He had stopped to try and help the stalled pick-up truck, yet as he began slowing down a Lexus rear ended the truck causing it to immerse into flames.

“As soon as I started to slow down, the little Lexus rear-ended the truck and it caught on fire,” Sanchez said.

The Lexus crashed into a wall soon after hitting the Lexus. The UPS driver quickly created a barrier for oncoming traffic with his car blocking the roadway, got out of his vehicle and began searching for any one injured. He then noticed a woman trapped in the pick up truck.

“As the flames got bigger, I got my fire extinguisher from my truck,” Sanchez said. “Some other good Samaritans had tried to pull the door, but they could not get it open. There’s only so much you can do when it’s that hot.”

Sanchez’s antics helped the victim escape the truck as he began fighting the fire with his extinguisher. He continued to state:

“When she got out, her whole head was on fire, so I sprayed the fire extinguisher at her face to put out the flames,” “My fire extinguisher wasn’t very big, so I did the best I could”.

“It was horrific. The most horrific thing I’ve seen in 30 years of driving (for UPS).”

The female passenger in the pick up truck suffered major injuries and is now hospitalized alongside the driver of the pick up truck and Lexus who are experiencing “moderate” injuries.