
On top of the ever growing dilemma overseas with the closing of U.S. Embassies, our country is now facing threats from our own backyards. In Mexico, the extremely violent cartels are currently trying to hire military personnel to carry out contracts. Check out how the U.S. plans to combat this.

In return for their services, the military personnel would receive not only money, but also drugs. The connection between cartels and the recruited hit-men is that they’re both heavily involved in gang activity. Simply put, the gangs have infiltrated the army.

In a recent interview with FOX News, Vice president of STRATFOR (Strategic Forecasting, inc.), Fred Burton said that some soldiers become corrupted by gangs after joining up to the Army, while others are gang members who enlist specifically for the specialized training.

The soldiers that have U.S. gang ties often use their position in the military to work as exports for drugs. The U.S., however, they have began investigations and discreet operations to filter out the compromised workers.

*Check out related pictures in the GALLERY*

Jamaal Fisher
Daily Mail