The ongoing battle between Dwight Howard and first babymother “Basketball Wives” star Royce Reed continues. According to Reed Dwight Howard took off with their son and won’t tell her where he is, the problem with that is he doesn’t have his meds. Read more after the jump.
Royce went to court asking for an emergency hearing claiming their 6-year-old son Braylon went to California to visit Dwight, and that’s the last she heard from her Dwight or the boy. Dwight’s parents eventually called her to say the kid was in Colorado.
Royce says her son needs his meds for an undisclosed medical condition and the Rx bottle is now empty — Dwight never bothered to get it refilled.
She says without the meds, their son’s health is in danger.
Royce doesn’t have a problem with Dwight taking care of the boy for a while, but she wants the judge to order him to refill the prescription and give Braylon his meds. She also wants to know exactly where her boy is and how she can get in touch.
A hearing date has not been set.