
Common Connect is ran by two young men from Harlem, NY by the names of Shakiel Francis and Vincent Pabon. Today, I am presenting their “Rose Gang New York” snapback. Common Connect has been up and running for about a year now and they’ve had some good success so far. The Rose Gang snap features, New York in white in the front with a Rose in place of the O in York with a common connect in cursive on the back. The meaning behind the Rose Gang New York snap is a quote from Tupac Shakur and also behind the entire rose logo. Tupac once said “from the concrete who knew that a flower would grow”. Common Connect feels they are the flower that grew from the concrete. The red rose resembles love and that’s what they say they’re receiving from everyone. They will be restocking on the “Rose Gang New York” snap this fall. Stay on the look out for the release date we will defintely keep you posted on the official dates and newest releases. To stay more in tune you can follow Common Connect on instagram. Visit the official website to purchase from here. Hit the jump for more detailed pics of the snap.

Written by Ajrashed