Amanda Bynes

Amanda Bynes soaked her beloved dog in gasoline during her bizarre episode last week when she lit a fire in a woman’s driveway (the incident that led her to her current residence at the psych ward.) Now that she’s coming to, the troubled actress was said to be “almost inconsolable” when she realized what she did to the dog and is asking for special permission to reunite with it.

“Amanda has been taking medications as prescribed by her doctors. With that, her thinking is becoming much more clear and concise,” a source revealed. “Amanda is fully aware that she accidentally caused her Pomeranian puppy to be mildly burned in the fire.”

The puppy was treated for the burns and is being cared for by Amanda’s parents and is expected to make a full recovery.

“Amanda has been asking her mother to bring her dog to the hospital to visit her,” the source added. “The policy of the facility is to not allow non-service animals on the premises, but her doctors are contemplating allowing her to remain on the hospital grounds with supervision and visit with the dog outside.”

I’m happy that the medications are already starting to work! Let’s hope she stays on course.

Marisa Mendez

Source: RO