We’ve all heard of student body government in HS or College whether you were apart of it or not we all knew that no one really was voted based on their expertise or ability to lead but instead who was your friend or not right? Check out after the jump what lengths this College student went through just to be deemed President that landed him a year in prison …

Tat Wza

The former California San Marcos student Matthew Weaver has been sentenced to a year in prison for rigging his school campus election. Weaver was one of the candidates for student body president and apparently wanted the position so badly that he stole the identities and passwords of more than 700 students to do cast the vote in his favor. He said he used the stolen identities to cast about 630 votes for not only himself but also his friends that were also on the ballot. Weaver admitted he using small electronic devices to record user’s keystrokes on the computer to steal an estimated 745 passwords!! He pleaded guilty to wire fraud, identity theft and unauthorized access of a computer .. OUCH !