
Last week 23 school children in India, had experienced stomach cramps and severe convulsions moments after eating the school lunch that is given daily. The cause of death? Deadly Pesticide. Read more after jump

Adriela Batista

The meal which consisted of rice and potato curry was apart of the free lunch meal program that was given within the school system. These meals were given to promote children to attend school. Within moments of the children eating the meal, they complained to teachers of the massive pain that they were experiencing. Tragically 23 children died in the single room school in the Bihar State. The food was contaminated by a potent pesticide that is not “widely available” due to its high concentration levels. The pesticide was found in the oil that was used to cook the meal.

“It is highly poisonous, it’s highly toxic, and, therefore, it has to be diluted when used as commercial pesticides,” said the district magistrate, Abhijit Sinha”.

The incident set off various protests in Bihar.

Via NYTimes