Could it be that after yesterday’s massive city wide protests that included thousands, amongst those celebrities, The “Stand your Ground Law” ( that is thought to contribute to the verdict in the Zimmerman Trial) is being looked for review? Read more after jump
Yesterday thousands of people gathered around cities in order to show their support and fight for the justice of Trayvon Martin. The rallies gained support by many, in hopes that the cause would push for a civil rights trial to open as well as for the “Stand Your Ground” law to be reconsidered. The cause joined a supporter, John McCain whom has officially associated himself with the notion of the law to be reviewed. Although he is not arguing with the verdict in the Zimmerman trial he is stating that he feels as though their needs to be change within the law that is placed in more than 20states, including his home state. The judge provided a provision of the law to jurors before they had made the verdict in the trill even though Zimmerman’s lawyers ” did not rely” on the law in defense to their case. Hopefully the judicial system is able to feel the pressure by the increase in supporters for justice.
Via Guardian